Back by popular demand, Amanda Swinimer and Christine Hopkins will be offering their last Seaweed Workshop of the season. This workshop will be similar to the previous two workshops, with a trip to the beach, identifying local seaweed species, learning about their healing properties, how to cook with them and use them in the spa. It will include a delicious & nourishing 'wild seaweed' lunch and power point presentation on the medicinal properties of seaweeds and their use in healing...however, there will also be significant differences.
Harvesting seaweed in the fall is very different then in the spring and summer. The kelps are reproducing and starting their slow process of dying off, much like the salmon. And as the vibrant greens are also loosing their lustre, the deep-water reds are starting to come alive in all their richness and glory. The extreme low tides of the spring and summer are blending into the balance of the fall equinox, not coming up too high or too low, often with the lowish tide arriving in the wee hours of the morning.
So...we invite you to come to the beach with us on a 'treasure hunt', a fall harvest, where the wind and the waves determine the bounty of the harvest more then the height of the tides. We will discover what species thrive in the balanced & misty Pacific Northwest autumn.
The workshop is running this Sunday, September 26, 2010, from 10am to 4pm.
To register, contact Amanda Swinimer, Ph. (250) 818-4633 or Christine Hopkins, Ph. (250) 646-2177.